Limoges Box

Limoges boxes are small hinged porcelain trinket boxes produced by Limoges factories near the city of Limoges, France. They are collected worldwide and are made of hard-paste porcelain.

The Limoges box offered in this auction features a Herend-style rabbit. The box has been hand-painted and signed TY, and it is about 3 inches in height.

The estimated market value for this Limoges box is $125.

Thank you very much to Anne-Marie Resor, who has for so many years and in so many ways supported student education through KCF!

$65.00 (Bidder#628)
This auction closed over 5 years ago

Bidding History

  1. $65.00 (Bidder#628) for this item on Thursday, November 29 at 7:27 PM PST and wrote
